Tuesday, December 21, 2004


December Sucks

December sucks. The year is getting stale and it is a long time until Spring Training. I lived for 23 years in Minnesota. Since I moved away in 1989 I have lived in Seattle, Tucson, New Orleans and now the Bay Area. All places much warmer in winter. When I tell someone in CA that I am from MN, sometimes they will say, "Oh you are from MN, the cold must not bother you." I wonder if someone was from Thailand where people get caned for crimes, if people say to them, "Oh you are from Thailand? Torture must not bother you."

Right now I am wearing pants with flannel on the inside, and 3 shirts and am sitting with my right shin about 5 inches from a space heater. I am thinking of going out to the car and getting my hat. I have heard that in the Nordic pagan religions Hell is a cold place. I am convinced Hell IS a cold place. The end of the universe is something people in the field of thermodynamics talk about. Thermodynamics, as the name suggests talks about heat flow, and entropy. The gist of it is entropy always increases. There is a model for the end of the universe that is called the "heat death of the universe", that everything is equally spread out over it and everything is absolute zero. -278 C. Cold. The interesting thing about absolute zero is it is absolute. All motion stops. December reminds me of the end of the universe and what we gotta do is ride it out and start a new year in January, then we can start counting down the days until pitchers and catchers report.

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