Thursday, November 18, 2004


Are dikes on a nose kid era?

In case anyone reads this and wonders about the title, it's a palindrome that Jason Steed and I made up on a drive back from San Diego to Tucson around 1995. The letters read the same forwards or backwards. We entertained ourselves with the making up of palindromes for a few hours on an otherwise uneventful 7 hour drive in my Ford Fiesta. It is funny how I can remember some things from a long time ago, but figuring out where I put my keys can truly baffle me. Here are two other palindromes that I attribute to that trip:
Yoba knows wonka boy

no big red nut under gibon
I was thinking of the phrase "the end of an era" when I started on this tangent. I shaved and got a haircut last night. I went 14 days without shaving, which is the longest I have gone in 20 years. And my face just ITCHED. I decided that a lot of weirdos have beards and maybe I don't quite want to be a weirdo even if I am totally against our apparently stupid right wing-ruled society. And Tanya didn't like it much anyway.

You were only a few days from getting over the itch. And I don't think I'm a weirdo just for having a beard, but I'm still glad I've gone beardless.

A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!
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